Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cherry Blossom viewing without the Cherry Blossoms / 桜が咲いてない花見

Yes, I'm still writing about things that took place sometime in April.  This year my friends and I had our cherry blossom viewing party after the blossoms had disappeared.  Still, any reason to get together with friends for drinks and merriment can't be wrong.


My friend and I are usually the first ones to arrive for these get togethers.  This weekend there was some dog show going on but we set up here anyway.  Definitely no cherry blossoms to look at.


A bit of luxury in the morning! / 朝から贅沢 - キャビア!

Caviar and beer, what a combination / キャビアとビール、良いコンビネーションでしょう

The Oden Yatai Mama-san joined in our festivities / おでん屋のママも来てくれました

The dog show event staff had been asking us to move as we had a lot of food and there were a lot of dogs.  So we moved to a greener spot in Yoyogi Park.


A special guest joined us - the guy on my left is a man named John.  I met him through a Facebook page called "Narimasu / Grant Heights / Drake Middle School".  Its a page for people who went to school in these areas.  John and I went to the same elementary school - Narimasu Elementary School on Grant Heights Family Housing Annex some thirty-five years ago or so.  I found out that he was working in Shinsen (next to Shibuya, where I was working at the time), so we made plans to meet.  We had gone out for drinks the night before so I invited him to our hanami as well.  Its meetings like this that make you think it really is a small world after all.

スペシャルゲストが参加してくれました。僕の左に居るのはジョン。Facebookの専門ページに知り合った。そのページは「成増・グラントハイツ・ドレイクスクール」というページ。昔昔板橋区成増に米軍の基地があって、僕とジョンは小学校時代同じ小学校に通ってた。彼が渋谷区神泉で働いてると聞いて(僕はまだ渋谷に働いてた頃)、会いましたよ。ちょっと前二人で一緒に飲み行って、私がもしよかったら花見にも参加しませんかっと誘いました。 こういう出会いも不思議でもありだな。

Taking our hanami elsewhere / 花見解散

Party doesn't end here...


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