Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Street Performers Festival in Sangenjaya 2012 (Day 2) / 三茶de大道芸 2012 (二日目)

Sunday was a nice day and a great to check out more street performers in Sangenjaya.


Ah, Mikako and I have seen this artist before about five or six years ago.  He dances to music while painting.  The print doesn't give you how cool his performance is.  His name is Yukinko.

あっ、僕と美香子がこの人5、6年前も見たことある。パフォーマンスはとにかく面白い。踊りながら絵を描く人。アーティストの名前はユキンコ。 プリント写真じゃこの人の凄さが伝わらないね。

He uses both brushes and spray paint.


Still dancing and painting.


The finished product / 絵の出来上がり

We met up with friends while watching Yukinko perform.  Afterwards, we head towards the yatai mura (yes, I'm going to eat the assortment of meat today!).  But before we got there, we passed a few walking art pieces as well.


Tall man and Tall Elvis / 背の高い男性二人、一人はプレスリー?

Human Snails? / 人間かたつむり?

Today's main feature (for me anyway) / 今日の主役 (僕にとってですが)

Yummy! / 美味しい!

Chinese balance performers (they've been coming almost every year for the past few years).  They're still awesome no matter how many times you've seen them.

中国雑技団 (毎年来てる)。何回見ても凄いよ。

More walking art / ウォーキングアートまた発見

Kinda creepy / ちょっと不気味かも

Dude was sweating profusely (he must have been hot in this outfit) / 彼は超汗かきだった (この衣装で苦しかったのかね)

Until next year...


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