Friday, May 10, 2019

Tokyo Flashbacks : Ferrari vs Lamborghini Event / 東京フラッシュバック:フェラーリvsらんぼる

When we were still living in Tokyo, one weekend we went and spent the day in Odaiba. We had lunch at an American buffet style restaurant called [The Oven]. We decided to go to a shopping area called Venus Fort and I noticed there were a lot of these awesome cars on display. Fortunately for me, not so much for my wife, there was an event called "Ferrari vs Lamborghini". Of course I had to check out all the cars while my wife had no choice but to indulge me.


Well, this doesn't look like a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. What the heck is it? It's a 1917 Mitsubishi A. It was Japan's first mass production passenger car. According to the sign about this car, "Based on the leading European cars of the time, 30 units including prototypes were produced at the Kobe shipyard of Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Company, Ltd. by 1921. (The car on display is reconstructed in 1972 based on the materials of the time.).

あれ?これはフェラーリでもランボルギーニでもないようね。なんなの?これは1917年三菱 A型の車です。サインによると、”日本で初めて量産乗用車として1917年(大正6年)に製作。当時の先進国ヨーロッパ車を参考に、三菱造船(株)神戸造船所で大正10年迄に試作を含め30台製作。(展示車は当時の資料をもとに1972年復元)。

We also caught a monkey performance while walking around Venus Fort.


"Oh dear!"


That was fun. Now on to another place.


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