Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tokyo Fire Museum (Part 2) / 東京消防博物館 (パート2)

Continuing my adventure at the Tokyo Fire Museum.


A very early fire engine (or rather fire carriage!)


Firefighting Motorcycle / 二輪消防車(赤バイ)
From the exhibition sign:
Firefighting Motorcycle: As traffic congestion became more prevalent during Japan's period of rapid growth in the 1960s, the Tokyo Fire Department deployed fire motorcycles on a provisional basis in 1969. Two years later, it deployed three motorcycle officers from the Nihonbashi, Ushigome, and Koiwa Fire Stations on a full-time basis. These positions were staffed until 1976. This particular exhibit features a motorcycle that was used by the Hachioji Fire Station after 1976.
二輪消防車(赤バイ):交通渋滞が著しことを背景に、1969 (昭和44)年、暫定的に運用を開始し、2年後には3台のオートバイを購入して日本橋、牛込、小岩の各消防署で正式に運用を始め、1976(昭和 51)年まで活躍しました。展示品は、そのご配置換えになった八王子消防署のものです。
More modern firefighting suits.
Taisho era firefighting scene.

Early fire alarms / 火災報知機
Hand-pulled steam pump / 手引き蒸気パンプ
Exhibition sign:
This model was imported from England in 1909 and was in use until around 1920.
1909 (明治 42)年にイギリスから購入し、1920 (大正 9)年ころまで活躍しましたものです。

Gasoline-powered pump / ガソリンパンプ
Exhibition sign:
Domestically-produced gasoline-powered pumps emerged in 1912. Use of these pumps became widespread as their performance exceeded that of steam pumps and they were easier to operate. The pump on exhibit is a 1943 model. It changed from the hand pump, to the steam pump, and the one-armed bandit was manufactored afterward.
1912 (大正元)年、国産のガソリンパンプが開発され、蒸気パンプよりも性能が高く、運転も簡便のため、全国に普及してきました。展示されてるガソリンパンプは、1943 (昭和 18)年製のものです。腕用パンプから蒸気パンプと移り変わり、ガソリンパンプが誕生しました。
Steam pump / 蒸気パンプ
Uniforms / 制服
Fire Fighting Activity / 消化活動
Firefighting vehicle miniatures / 消防車いろいろ
Emergency Medical Service and Rescue Activities exhibit / 救急・救助活動
And my favorite part of the museum - more firefighting vehicles.
僕が一番気に入りの展示場所 ー いろんな乗り物と消防車。







I hope you enjoyed the tour as much as I liked actually going there. I had such a great time, I have no idea how long I spent here.  And now its off to lunch.
ツアーを楽しめてか? 本当に時間が忘れちゃうくらい楽しい。さて、ランチを食べに行く。

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