Monday, November 11, 2013

Myoden Temple Walk (Part 2) / 妙典お寺巡り (パート2)

Continuing our temple walk around Myoden in Chiba Prefecture.


The next temple on our walking map was Myokakuji.


Jogyo Bodhisattvaa / 浄行菩薩
Also not on the map, but we found an out of service Tower Records vending machine.
We seemed to have discovered a vending machine graveyard.

Tokuzouji / 徳蔵寺
Edogawa River / 江戸川
Joyato / 常夜灯
This lamp has stood here in since the Edo area (around 1836) and was used as a beacon to show the way to Naritasan Temple for people coming from Edo.




 Udon shop [Sasaya] / 笹屋うどんの跡
[Sasaya] was an udon shop that was in business during the Edo era and because of its location it served many travelers.
Old Asako Mikoshi Making Shop / 旧浅子神輿店店舗兼主屋
And so ended our walk.


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