Monday, August 26, 2013

Various ciders / サイダーいろいろ

My former co-workers of when I worked in the database department gave me a belated farewell party.  We all gathered at an Italian restaurant in our former area of employ - Aomonoyokocho.  But I'm not going to write about that yet.  Instead, I'm going to write about one of the gifts I received.  It was an assortment of ciders (non-alcoholic).


I didn't drink them all in one day but I was very curious about the ones one the left and the right.  The one on the left (if you haven't guessed from the picture) is an olive cider.  The one on the right is a soy sauce cider.


Curiosity got the best of me so I had to try the olive cider first.  The first few sips and I thought - bleah, WTH????  But you know what, the taste kind of grows on you.  After the surprise was gone, I actually found it quite drinkable.  I won't go as far as saying it was good though.

気になってやっぱり最初に飲んだのはオリーブサイダー。最初の一口んで、うん? なんだこれ?って感じ。驚きがなくなったところで、あれ、これ、普通に飲めるわ。美味しいとは言えませんが、不味くもない。

The label is cute.  These ciders were made in the small island of Shodojima.  Why anybody would want to add soy sauce to their cider is beyond me but it does make for interesting conversation. 


Simple is best.


Tomomasu Swan Cider.  The bottle has a very retro, Showa look but the company actually started in the Meiji era! 


1 comment:

Rurousha said...

Cider! Approval, happiness and envy. :)