Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Walk around Umegaoka and Hanegi Park / 梅ヶ丘と羽根木公園の散歩

At my former place of employ I had received a call from the Umegaoka Police Department one day.  It appears that someone had turned in my company name tag that I apparently dropped somewhere.  Since Umegaoka is within walking distance from our apartment, I decided to turn my trip to the station into a neighborhood walk.


Little frog on Ichinohashi / 一之橋にある小さなカエルさん

Ojizo-san at Umegaoka Station / 梅が丘


Another Ojizo-san in the middle of nowhere / 何もないところにお地蔵さん発見
Walking around Hanegi Park
Kid's Play Area at Hanegi Park

Okay, I know the park may look deserted but that is only because of my careful photo-taking.
A short walk to Umegaoka and back.

1 comment:

Rurousha said...

"Someone had turned in my company name tag that I apparently dropped somewhere."

This falls neatly into the "only in Japan" category.

Nice park! Are adults allowed to clamber onto the kids' contraptions? :D