Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kyushu Fair 2012 / 九州観光・物産フェア 2012

The main event of my walk was not the Bus Festival, but this, the Kyushu Fair! But there is one small problem with going to a food fair by yourself, you can only eat a couple of items before you get full.

この間の散歩の目的地はバスフェスタではなく、これ、九州観光・物産フェア! こういう物産フェア一人で行くのが一つの欠点があります、それはいろんなものが食べられたに事です、一人だったらすぐお腹いっぱいになる。

This was the first food item on saw on display.  I know my wife would have loved to have one of these.  Steamed sea urchin filled surf clams.


This is more my speed, bacon shish kebabs!


Yes, I bought one.


The Sasebo Burger, another Kyushu specialty.  I didn't want to eat an entire burger and fortunately, the food stall was selling half-portions.  This was my main meal for lunch.


Sasebo Burgers in the making.


My half-size Sasebo Burger.  Juicy and delicious.

ハフサイズ佐世保バーガー。 とっても美味しかった。

Beautiful day and a nice turn out.


Craft beer from Saga Prefecture, Arita Beer.


Hm, what is this food stall making?


Huge okonomiyaki, that's what!


I was already full from my half-size Sasebo burger so only my eyes enjoyed the rest of food items that were available.


Bowl of tripe / もつ煮

Shumai / シュウマイ

Although this is the Kyushu Fair, there were a few booths that featured items from other Prefectures, this is the Yokote Yakisoba from Akita Prefecture that won the B gourmet (like B-movies, but related to food) in 2009.


An assortment of croquettes / コロッケいろいろ

The mascots of the different Kyushu Prefectures were also in attendance.


Mu-chan, mascot of Miyazaki Prefecture / みやざき犬 むぅちゃん

Koi Hime, mascot of Ogi in Saga Prefecture / 佐賀県小城氏のマスコット、こい姫

Yokan Emon, another mascot of Ogi in Saga Prefecture / ようかん右衛門(えもん)、佐賀県小城市のもう一人のゆるキャラ。

Saruku-chan, mascot of Nagasaki in Nagasaki Prefecture / さるくちゃん、長崎県、ながさきしのゆるキャラ

Oidon-kun, mascot of Kagoshima Prefecture / 鹿児島県のマスコット、おいどんくん

Mascot of the entire Kyushu island, Kyu-chan / 九州のマスコット、キューちゃん

Kyu-chan was on the stage for an even in which you could win free round-trip tickets to Kyushu.   Three prizes were on offer, sponsored by the airline and travel industry.  The contest was open to all.  Rock Paper Scissors.  Only winners stand, draws you must sit.  I participated but lost in the first round.


And on that note, I was headed home...or so I thought.


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