Friday, September 24, 2010

Aomori ・ Hakodate - Day 5 (ASPAM) / 青森・函館 五日目 (アスパム)

This is me with my family relaxing at my mother-in-law's house in Aomori. The plans for today are to check out the ASPAM building (which is full of Aomori goods, food & souvenirs) in the noon. In the evening, us kids (me, my sister and my wife) will participate in the Nebuta Festival. Mom and Dad will be taking it easy while us kids are dancing the night away.


Me and my Dad / お父さんと一緒

Off to ASPAM. I didn't take any pictures inside the building but we sure did nibble on a lot of sample food products. As my mother and sister and wife were taking their time checking out the products, my Dad and I headed up to the second floor where there was a Tsugaru Shamisen performance, a small amusement area, and a tiny Aomori Prefecture museum. Aside from all the Aomori goods you can find inside the building, outside the building in the back is where the Nebuta floats are stored during the day as the festival lasts for nearly a week.


What is this? It is one very large apple pie! / これは何ですか?超でっかいアップルパイ!

Hanging out with Dad at the amusement area / アミューズメントエリアでお父さんと一緒

After hooking up with Mom and company, we headed to the back of the building to check out the Nebuta floats up close.


This probably gives you a better idea of how large these floats are.


Mom and Dad Tourist Photos / 観光客の両親

My favorite float up close / 自分が気に入りのねぶた

Hey Dad, we can't see your face! / おい、お父さん、顔見えないじゃん!

Oh, that's better, you can see my father's face / あっ、お父さんの顔が見える

Me and my sister / 妹と一緒

On our way back home, we had to have a taiyaki, but what makes this different from your standard is the fact that it is filled with curry and scallops!


Yep, filled with curry and scallops alright / 確かにほたてカレーだ!

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