Sunday, June 13, 2010

Handmade Udon Shop [Noraya] / 手打草部うどん のらや

A friend of ours invited us to have dinner with him at this udon shop called [Noraya] where they make their own noodles. But its more of an izakaya than a udon shop. Its also a chain shop as well.


Bukkake Udon / ぶっかけうどん

My friend knows me too well and ordered this dish / 友達が僕の好みを良くご存じのことでこれを注文してくれた

Nora Yaki (ooh, grilled chicken with a blend of seven different spices) / のら焼き (お~う、オリジナルブレンドの7種の香辛料によりこんがり仕上げた鶏ももの鉄板焼き‐メニューからです)

Not the kind of salad I like as its filled with okra and natto / 僕の好みのサラダではないですね、オクラと納豆が入ってるので

Uh, I don't think we needed to order this last dish - too full / あっお腹いっぱいなのに、何でまたおつまみ頼んだだろう?

Our dining companions / 一緒に食事してた仲間

Bon Appetit!


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