Sunday, November 1, 2009

Raku Ichi Rakuza & Tokyo University of Agriculture's 118th Harvest Festival / 楽市楽座と東京農業大学第118回収穫祭

It looks like Tokyo University of Agriculture is borrowing Tower Record's catch-copy of "No Music, No Life" for their Harvest Festival pamphlet this year. The kanji reads "No" which is for "nogyo" which translates to agriculture, so "No Food, No Life".

今年の東京農業大学がタワーレコードのキャッチ・コピ「No Music, No Life」をぱっくてるみたい。ちょっと面白いと思った。

Today we were headed to Tokyo University of Agriculture (No-Dai for Nogyou Daigaku) but as we were riding on the bus, we saw another event taking place and got off the bus to check it out. I even met some friends I haven't seen in years as they got off the same bus as us. At Setagaya, there was an event called the Raku Ichi Raku Za. It was a street festival happening on the same day and the same time as No-Dai's Harvest Festival.


We didn't want to eat too much at the Raku Ichi event but couldn't pass up on snacking on a piroshki. There was also a booth selling Ishikari Nabe from Hokkaido. Also caught the last part of a Kamen Rider show featuring Kamen Rider Double.




Ishikari Nabe / 石狩鍋

Just in case you didn't know where Ishikari is located.

Kamen Rider Double's nemesis


Kamen Rider Double


I also couldn't pass up trying the kimchee apples (they were actually pretty good) and we ended buying some of the spicy miso as well.


From Setagaya, we walked to Tokyo University of Agriculture.


And now for the food we ate (I had my camera on the wrong setting so the first few food pictures are blurred):


Skewers with bacon and vegetables / 串揚げ

Nepalese momo (similar to a steamed gyoza with curry sauce)


Indonesian mee-rebus (I saw in the back of their booth that it was Indonesian chicken-curry flavored instant noodles)

ミールブス(インドネジア風麺) 僕は奥で見たが、インドネジアのチキン・カレー味のインスタントラーメンでした。

Wonton Soup / ワンタンスープ

Shumai / しゅうまい

Heated rocks cooking sweet potatoes


Sweet Potato / 石焼き芋

Tokyo University of Agriculture also features displays made from recycled materials or something like that. Some of them are great and fun to look at. Others look like they were created by kids.


One of No-Dai's main staples, whole pig roasted on a spit, although we skipped eating it this year.


Afterwards, we headed back to Raku Ichi Rakuza and bought some takoyaki, yakisoba and chicken nuggets for dinner and also snacked on some yakitori and shared a beer. What a great day.


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