Friday, October 16, 2009

Japanese Microbrew Tour - Hokkaido Prefecture / 日本地ビールツアー ‐ 北海道

After enjoying the Hokkaido Festival a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was time to do another piece on Japanese microbrews. Today's featured prefecture is Hokkaido (although I didn't buy this at the fair, I bought them at a department store that was having their own Hokkaido Fair a week before the event in Yoyogi Park).


Hokkaido Microbrew Variety Set / 北海道地ビールセット

So what do we have in our little variety pack? From left to right, we have Chocolate Stout by Kamui Beer, Ishikari Banya Red Ale, Kushiro Fisherman's Lager, Furano Weizen Beer, Otaru Dark, and a Ginger & Pale Ale.


Kamui Beer Chocolate Staut / カムイビールチョコレートスタウト

I think the chocolate gives it a flavor close to Guinness. If you like Guinness, you will enjoy this.


Ishikari Banya Red Ale / 石狩番屋の麦酒 (レッド エール)

Not as bitter as the chocolate beer and heavier than you run of the mill beers. Refreshing after a long day of work.


Kushiro Fisherman's Lager / 釧路サンセットビール

Nothing special. Average lager.


Furano Beer (weizen) / ふらのビール(ヴァイッゼン)

I'm a bit biased when it comes to beer. My favorites are porters, stouts, and weizen!! And this weizen was nice and refreshing as well.


Otaru Dark / 小樽ダーク

Not as bitter as the chocolatey type Guinness beer, closer to Young's Oatmeal Stout. I enjoyed this dark more than I enjoyed the Kamui Beer.


Ginger & Paleale / ジンジャー&ペールエール

The first sip of this and you would be like, "whoa, what the f*&k?". This is more ginger than ale. After getting used to the first couple of sips, its drinkable but not something I would go out of my way to buy.


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