Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snow Country (Part 4) Asamushi Onsen Dinner / 雪国 (パート4)浅虫温泉の料理

And now, what you all been waiting for, dinner at the ryokan. But before that, we all took a short walk around the area (except for Ryo who decided to lounge around in the room). We went to a nearby souvenir/gift shop where I picked up three bottles of the local brew - a pilsner and lager from a company called Manji Mugi Shizuku (they were out of their stout) and also a happoshu from the same company (taste like beer but is made without hops or something like that.) I also took pictures of the surrounding area.


Assortment of Microbrews / 地ビール(右、左) と発泡酒 (中)

Asamushi Aquarium where Mikako and I had a date before we were married


Whale Island / クジラ島

Sad looking dock / 壊れそうな桟橋

The Nebuta picture on the right is another symbol of Aomori Prefecture.


It was sad to see all the garbage on the empty beach in the winter, with Whale Island in the background.


Another view of the Asamushi Kanko Hotel / 別の角度の浅虫観光ホテル

Okay, now the introduction of the food.


The first part of the meal / 最初に出てくる料理

Crab and Abalone / 蟹とアワビ

Meat Platter with skewer of shrimp and scallop / 肉の皿と海老と帆立の串

Tofu / 豆腐

Oyster with cheese, salmon with miso, and eggplant


Sushi Boat / 寿司船

Scallop (very large), maguro, shrimp, and one other fish

Egg cake with potato? (I'm guessing on the English translation here) / 長芋の茶碗蒸し風

Sea Cucumber / 海鼠 (ナマコ)ナマコの漢字初めて見た。

One pot stew with crab, mussels, enoki mushrooms, green onions, tofu, squid, and fish

鍋 -中身は蟹、ムール貝、えのき、イカ、豆腐、ネギ、と白身魚

Just when we thought dinner was over, we were brought this:


Grilled fish / 焼魚

Rice was still to come too, but we were all full, so we refused. But we did have dessert!


Jello-like dessert with kuromitsu (molasses) with soy powder / 黒蜜入りのくずきり、きなこ乗せ

My trip continues...


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