Here is a collection of my office buddies that make their home in a small corner of my desk. From left to right in the front our the
monchichi twins (popular Japanese dolls from the '70s or '80s)
with the Dick Dastardly's canine sidekick Muttley from the "Wacky Races" in the back. The surfer next to the dog is Ryuichi Kawamura from the
visual-kei band Luna Sea. The strange looking critter is a stress relief friend. If you ring his neck, he makes a very silly sound. Check out his Dr. Seuss button that says "I Love Reading". The cat in the back is a character image for Japanese pop idol Kyoko Koizumi or Kyon-Kyon as she's more popularly known. Then there is the American character for General Mills Boo Berry cereal (do you also remember Count Chocula and Franken Berry?). At at the extreme right is Mater from the movie "Cars" that I won in a small crane game at a local super market.
ここに居るの仕事仲間です。僕机の上に住んでる。左前に居るのは双子のモンチッチ。その後ろに居るのはチキチキマシン猛レースのケンケン。ケンケンの隣に居るサーファーはLuna Seaのボーカリストの川村隆一。変な人形はストレス解消的な物で、首をしめて揺らせば、苦しい声が鳴る。体に付いてるボタンがドクタースースの「I Love Reading]、「私読書好き」。猫のぬいぐるみは日本のポップアイドルの小泉今日子(キョンキョン)のキャラクター物です。あとはアメリカのシリアルのイメージキャラクターのブーベリーという物。一番右に居るのは「カーズ」の映画でおなじみのメーター。ロカルマーケットのUFOキャッチャーで取った。
Here's a closer look at Boo Berry. He was given to me as present. I think his cereal tasted best out of the three monster cereals available at the time. Of course I liked Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, and Captain Crunch as well but my favorite cereal was maple flavored Buck Wheats!!
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