Saturday, November 14, 2015

Silver Week Getaway 2015 (Part 5) Dinner at Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel / シルバーウィークの旅 2015(パート5)筑波山京成ホテルの夕飯

Time to start that post to make my mother jealous again!  Were talking dinner time at the Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel!


On this card is printed tonight's course menu.


The menu reads from left to right.


I will try to follow the menu as closely as I can.


But first, take a look at this setting.


Aperitif - plum wine.

食前酒 ー 梅酒

In no particular order: vinegar seasoned fish and persimmon, assortment of sashime, crab, and Suizenji nori.

小鉢: 柿なます・蟹身・胡瓜・水前寺海苔

造り: 盛り合わせにて

Stewed dish of herring with Japanese pepper and Autumn eggplant and Japanese mustard spinach.
煮物: 鰊粒山椒煮・秋茄子・小松菜・どんぶり・柚子

One pot dish with chicken, tofu and vegetables.
鍋物: つくば鶏鍋・豆腐・鍋野菜
Iimura beef shabu shabu, fried tofu, and cut vegetables.
台の者: 飯村牛しゃぶしゃぶ・焼豆腐・切り野菜

Perch, pine nuts, yam, and vinegared chrysanthemum.
焼き物: 赤魚利休焼・松の実・むかご・酢取り菊花

Salmon and squid carpaccio, tomato, and cut vegetables.

酢の物代り: 火取りサーモンと烏賊のカルパッチョ・トマト・切り野菜

Mushroom rice.

きの子御飯 (筑波山麓コシヒカリ)

Miso soup.


And dessert!

水菓子: 関城なし・ケーキ

What a great dinner.  Afterwards, we will be heading up to the top of Mount Tsukuba to see the night view.


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