Sunday, March 2, 2014

Snow Days in Tokyo / 東京で雪の日

I believe its time to skip around again and provide you all with some fun pictures and stories.  This year, Tokyo had at least two big snow days and since it's pretty unusual I of course had to go out for a short little walk to take pictures.


The view from our apartment after the snowfall.  Good thing it snowed on my day off.

自分のアパートからの眺め。 よかったのことに積もった日は自分の休日でした。

The view from the front of our apartment.

I decided to go out for lunch in this weather to a restaurant located not so far from our apartment.


Setagaya Line / 世田谷線
At first, I was going to go straight home after lunch but I thought a snow covered shrine would look beautiful so I decided to check out the one in our neighborhood, the Wakabayashi Inari Jinja.
Entrance to Wakabayashi Inari Jinja / 若林稲荷神社の入口




The following pictures are from the second snowfall we had in Tokyo.

 The chair does look as inviting when its covered with snow.



Today, it's the second of March but it still feels like winter outside.

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