Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Family Visit 2013 / 家族が日本に来る 2013

My original plan this year was to take a week off at the beginning of October and spend a week with my family, who would be visiting Japan, at my grandmother's house in Kansai.  Unfortunately, around the end of spring I made a major life-changing decision.  To quit my job that had been a part of my life for over twenty years and to start a new one.  Which means I would not have any paid holidays during my family's visit.  So I scrapped the trip to Kansai and took a couple of days off without pay to hang out with the family.


I went to see the family at their hotel on a Saturday morning - Mikako had to work.  This is me with my mother and my sister.  My father is around here somewhere as well.  I was joing the family for breakfast.

家族は金曜日の夜中に到着。土曜の朝僕は家族が泊まってるホテルに会いに行きました。お母さんと妹と一緒です。お父さんもどっかに居るはず。 妻は仕事で、僕は家族と朝食を楽しむ。

If its on the menu, I'm going to order an eggs Benedict!


Military brats find this delicious and nostalgic at the same time!  I split it with my sister but I think I ate most of it.


Of course I had a few bites off my sister's plate.


I'm not sure who's plate this is?


My sister and her husband Tyrone (pictures may be out of sequencd) visiting our humble little apartment.


One of things my sister and Tyrone wanted to while in Japan was to watch a Sumo tournament.  If you go to Ryogoku in the afternoon, you will be able to meet with some sumo wrestlers as my sister did here.


Not sure of his name but I've seen him on tv.


Leaving my sister and Tyrone at Ryogoku while I go to meet my wife.  We will be having dinner with the family later in the evening.


And a gift from my sister, maple bacon chocolate!!  Weird but pretty tasty.



Rurousha said...

新年おめでとうございます、Ern and family!

PS: Maple bacon chocolate? o.0

Aomori Ern said...

m(_ _)m