Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tokyo University of Agriculture 122nd Harvest Festival / 東京農業大学 第122回 収穫祭

Its that time of year again!  The annual Harvest Festival at Tokyo University of Agriculture.  As I already had plans on Sunday, this year I went to the festival on my own (the wife had to work).  I also decided to get an earlier start than usual because by the time you get there in the afternoon, the place is so crowded and the lines for the various food booths are so long, one tires easily.  And if you get there early enough, you can receive a free daikon.


Tokyo University of Agriculture (Nodai for short) got fancy this year.  Such a nice display at the entrance.


This is where the University was handing out the daikon.  I was there at 10:00am and the University already had given away this year's daikon.


And there was a lot of daikon.


But the reason why I always go is for the food of course!!


Indonesian student advertising lumpia.


Of course I had to eat one.  The students got it right - small portions at a reasonable cost.


Not only is the daikon popular, these people are lined up to buy miso.


A very long line for people wanting to buy miso.


Leave it to me to forego the simple fare, this is a food booth for Mongolian cuisine.


I love all the handmade signs too.  For Mongolian fare, they're serving something called khuushuur (pronounced ho・shur).  Its seems to be a Mongolian style gyoza.  And a cabbage and meatball soup.


First the soup.  Nice portion for 300yen.


Khuushuur / ホーシュル
Booth selling tofu donuts with a choice of three different flavors - sugar, honey, and soy flour. 3 small donuts for 100yen.
この屋台が売ってたのは豆腐ドーナツ。トッピングも3種類 - シュガー、ハニー、ときなこ。3個で100円はお得だな。
Of course I tried all three.

Something new this year!  A Ukrainian food booth.  Of course I had to check it out.  I wonder what kind of food they serve?
今年初のウクライナ料理の屋台が出た! もちろん調査してみないと。どういう料理を出してるのかな?
Cute table cloth.

Here is there menu.  They are serving something called varenyky which is like an Ukrainian style gyoza.  They had three varieties - potato, cabbage, or cottage cheese.  Or you could buy the set of three for the same price as the cottage cheese.  Which one did you think I would choose?
The set of three of course!!
The students booth said this was a taco (well, this is Japan).  There was no line when I went (Mexican food still just isn't that popular over here), but they seemed to better business as the day progressed.
留学生じゃない生徒たちが提供したタコス? (日本ですから仕方ない)。自分が買った時誰も並んでなかった。やっぱりメキシカン料理は日本でまだ人気が低いな。午後の頃で人はタコスをちょこちょこ並んでたみたい。
Below is another aspect I enjoy at Nodai - the handmade mikoshi (although calling these a portable shrine just doesn't seem right).
下記の写真は農大のもう一つの楽しみ ー 手作り神輿 (神輿を言って良いかどうかは別として)。

Sully &Mike / サリとマイク
Spaceship Yamato / 宇宙戦艦ヤマト
Takoyaki / タコ焼き
Students and their funky signs and props / 生徒たちの手作りサインや道具
I was standing in line for the Chinese shoronpo but the wait was taking forever so I got out of this line.

Uh-oh, a Brazilian food booth.  I think I will finish with a churasco.


Before I left the campus, I watched the Aikido (at least I think it was Aikido) club demonstration.



1 comment:

Rurousha said...

"Of course I tried all three."


I love the handmade mikoshi, though I want to call them floats. ^^ Thanks for all the pictures!