Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gunma Weekend Getaway (Part 1) Takasaki Kannon (Part 1) / 群馬小旅行 (パート1) 高崎観音 (パート1)

I think its about time I started writing about our weekend getaway to Shima Onsen in Gunma Prefecture.  Once again, we headed north with our friends Yukio and Reiko.  Our main destination would be Sekizenkan, the inn that was used as a model for Studio Ghibli's "Spirited Away" and is also the oldest hot spring hotel in Japan first built in 1691.  But we were going to make a few stops along the way before checking into the ryokan.  Our first destination would be the Takasaki Kannon. 

さ~、そろそろ4月に行った四万温泉小旅行のネタを書き始めるか。今回も中の良い友達幸男とれいちゃんと一緒に行きました。最終目的地は群馬県にある四万温泉。そこで積善館に泊まる。この施設は日本で一番古い温泉です。積善館はスタジオジブリの「千と千尋の神隠し」の旅館のモデルでもあるのも有名です。 でも最初の目的地は高崎観音山。

Peace Tower / 平和塔

It was Cherry Blossom season in Gunma when we went on our little trip and the trees were in full bloom.


Not the bluest of skies but still, it wasn't raining.


Cherry Blossom carpet / 桜のじゅうたん

Guardian Deity / 仁王尊

The path that leads to the Kannon / 参道

It appears the Kannon walked along this path as well / 参道に観音様の足跡発見

I love the atmosphere of this area / やっぱり雰囲気が良いね

Our first peak at the Kannon / 観音様発見!

Quite a lot to see / 見所いっぱい

Elephant hiding in the bushes / 林の中に象を発見

The Kannon in all her glory, this is officially called the Byakuedai Kannon / 観音様に近づいた、高崎観音の正式名は「白衣大観音」

The main temple of Jigenin where the Kannon is located / 高崎白衣大観音がある慈眼院の本堂

Jizo / 地蔵

Looking down at the path we walked up / 上から参道を眺めてる

Takasaki Byakuedai Kannon / 高崎白衣大観音

You can go inside the Kannon and walk up to the top of her head (which is what we did).  There are also a lot of

観音様の中も探索出来る。 中に頭のところまで階段で登れる。像内にほかの神々の像も展示されてる。

Very big feet! / 足大きい!

Looking up from below / 下から上を覗く

Another look at the main temple before heading inside the Kannon / 観音様の中に入る前にもう一回本堂を見る

The next post will be about the inside of the Kannon.


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