Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year / 明けましておめでとう

Happy New Year from Iwakiyama Jinja near Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture.  I will be returning to my regular posts soon, with stories from Aomori to follow.  Okay, so I'm a week late with my greetings but since I was out of town, please forgive me.

青森県、岩木山神社から明けましておめでとう。 今年も宜しくお願い致します。 一週間遅れてすみませんね。また築地のネタのつづきもありますので、青森のネタはまたそのあと。


Rurousha said...

おかえりなさい! OK, you're forgiven, but get writing already! Today is a holiday, which gives you lots of time to prepare stories and photos. (^O^)

Aomori Ern said...

Ha ha. Thanks. How did you know I'm one of those people that needs to be prodded now and then to get off my butt to write?