Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Walk around Shinagawa's Takanawa neighborhood / 品川高輪エリアの散歩

On another day off I took a very short walk around the Takanawa area of Shinagawa station.  The main reason was to check out where the Stellar Ball was.  The following Tuesday, Mikako's nephew was coming to Tokyo to see a T-ara concert (another Korean girls pop group).  I told Mikako that I would hang out with a friend nearby and wait for them after the show.  The other reason was to check out a place to hang out at.  But the first place I encountered was yet another shrine - the Takayama Shinto Shrine.

また別の休日の時品川高輪エリアを探索してみた。ま、下見な感じで行った。実は美香子の甥っ子が韓国ガールズグループのT-araのライブを当選した。会場は品川にあるステラーボール。会場はどこにあるか調べてみた。ライブの日僕は友達とステラーボールの近くで飲みに行くと言って、良い飲み屋も探してみた。でも最初に出会ったのは小さな神社 ‐ 高山神社。

Takayama Shinto Shrine / 高山神社

To save myself time from writing about the history of this shrine, check out the pictures below.


Oops, it may be a little difficult to read

The stone basin where you wash your hand before praying at the oratory.


Love these dragons that you find at a lot of these temples and shrines.


So, that's called an oratory in English.

I also love the intricate wood reliefs on the shrine.  This isn't Taishakuten in Shibamata but it's still beautiful nevertheless.


I was planning on meeting my friend for drinks here, the Akita Bisaikan because its located right across from the Stellar Ball but my friend is only a meat and potatoes man and doesn't drink beer, so we ended up at the Outback while my wife and nephew were at the T-ara show.  This is also an antenna shop for Akita Prefecture so I bought my mother and sister some goodies while I bought myself some craft beers.

上記の写真の店、秋田美採館がステラーボールの直ぐ近くだったんで飲もうと思いましたが、一緒に飲む友達は日本食が苦手でビールも飲まない。ちょっと残念。美香子と淳君がT-araのライブを楽しんでる時、結局アメリカンレストランの「アウトバック」品川店に行きました。 ここはレストランでもあり、秋田県のアンテナショップでもあり、うちの妹とお母さんの為に秋田名物のいぶりがっこを買って、自分の為に秋田県お地ビールも買いました。

Akita Prefecture mascot - "Sugicchi"

And hey, you don't have to go all the way to Akita Prefecture to see a Namahage.


These guys may seem out of place until you realized that the Shinagawa Aquarium is also located here.


That concludes this post.  Did I mention that this was a really short walk?

散歩終了。 今回は散歩が目的じゃなくステラーボールの場所確認と飲み屋の下見でした。

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