Thursday, May 27, 2010

Laos Festival 2010 / ラオス フェス 2010

It was Bryan's second day of touring Tokyo. I planned on taking him to the Laos Festival for lunch and then we would head off to other spots around town. Of course, things never work out as planned and we ended spending all day at the festival with my friends. But Bryan was happy because one of my friends decided to talk to a group of women who had their space set up nearby and talked them into letting Bryan hang out with them. We decided to leave him on his own and he seemed to be a happy camper. He later told us that the women invited him out to go drinking next Friday which would be his last night in Japan. I hope they don't stand him up. My wife didn't expect us to be there after she got off work, but a drinking we were, so she joined us as well. When she came, Bryan was sitting with the group of women and looked like a pretty happy camper. My wife said to Bryan, "You look so happy" which we believe he was.

今日はブライアンの東京観光2日目。予定としては昼食を代々木公園で行なわれているラオスフェスで食べて、そのあとにいろんな観光名所を巡る。でもそうゆう風にはなりませんでした。ラオスフェスでブライアンに僕の友達を紹介して、結局夕方まで居た。その後もまた別の店で飲み食いがつづきました。ちょっと酔った友達が近くで飲んでた女性グループに声をかけ、ブライアンを無理やり連れてって、女性たちにブライアンの相手を頼んでた。あとからブライアンに聞きましたが、女性たちはブライアンを来週の金曜日に飲みに誘ったそうです。社交辞令じゃなければ良いんですが。僕の嫁が仕事終わったらまさか私たちがラオスフェスにまだ居ると思ってなかったが、夕方に合流しました。その時ブライアンは女性グループに囲まれて、ブライアンに英語で、“幸せそうだね” とブライアンが笑ってた。

My friend I introduced Bryan to was Suga. Suga and I took a vacation to Laos some ten years ago and had some great memories of the country, especially indulging in their national beer - Beer Lao. I didn't know they made a dark beer as well.


Beer Lao / ビールラオ

In Laos, at an open air food stall, a large bottle of Beer Lao cost the equivalent of 50 cents or so! But this being a festival, the main items were food of course! The Thai Festival was just last week so a lot of food items were similar, Laos being right next door to Thailand but as I love Thai food as well, I had no complaints.


Chicken skewers / 焼き鳥

Large roast chicken on a stick / でっかい鶏肉の串

Coconut flavored snack / ココナッツ味のおやつ?

More chicken / またも鶏肉

Very spicy! / 超辛い!

Not as spicy / あっさり系

Lao-style sausage / ラオ風ソーセージ

Rino (my friend's daughter) / 梨乃ちゃん (友達の娘)

Red Curry / レッドカレー

Green Curry / グリーンカレー

More yummers / 美味しい

There was also a short hero show at the satellite stage which was set up near where we were. I only watched part of it, but I think Bryan enjoyed it.


Pork skewer? / 焼豚?

Spicy papaya salad (and it was very, very spicy!) / スパイシーパパヤサラダ (本当に超辛かった!)

Bryan being Japanese by doing the "peace" sign / ブライアンが日本人みたいに“ピース”のサインをしてる


Greg said...

All that food looks really nice. Those heroes look like "Power Rangers" from the popular childrens television series.

Aomori Ern said...

The food was great! The Hero Show, well, it was entertaining.

Next festival is Azabu Juban in August and Namaste India in September.