Saturday, February 27, 2010

Japanese Microbrew Tour - Kumamoto Prefecture / 日本地ビールツアー ‐ 熊本県

A few weeks ago, Mikako and I walked around Ginza (again), to check out a building called the "Mezamashi Marche", a concept produced by the morning news/variety program "Mezamachi Television". The building featured food items from around the country. But because, the floors were divided into areas, we found it to be rather disappointing. And they didn't even carry microbrews of the different prefectures. Fortunately, in the same neighborhood, we came across the antenna shop for Kumamoto Prefecture and they certainly had a couple of craft beers. I picked up a Weizen and a Porter from Aso Farmland Brewery. Just love those porters and weizens. Both were delicious.


Aso Beer - Weizen / 阿蘇ビール ‐ ヴァッゼン

Aso Beer - Porter / 阿蘇ビール ‐ ポーター

Still working my way through all the prefectures. I don't think I've passed the half-way mark yet.


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