Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Santouka Tonkotsu Shio Ramen / 山頭火 とんこつ塩らーめん

Microwavable ramen from 7-11? Can it be delicious? Can it really be the same as the ramen shop that produced it? Well, I can answer two of the three questions. Yes, its available at 7-11 for presumably a limited time. As far it having the same flavor as the ramen shop that produced it, this I cannot answer as I haven't been to one of their shops yet, even though I did discover that there is one in Shibuya. This product was a collaboration between the ramen shop [Santouka] and 7-11.

レンジで出来るラーメン? 美味しいの? 店舗の味と一緒? ま~3問の中2問は簡単に答える。本当にレンジで出来るラーメンです。コンビニで買える。結構美味しいです。店の味と一緒かどうかが答えません。なぜならば、そのラーメン屋は行ってません。ネットで調べたら渋谷にも店舗があります。この商品はラーメンの名店「山頭火」とコンビニの7-11がコラボしたものです。

Just pop into the microwave for five and half minutes!


It's almost hard to believe you can enjoy a delicious tasting ramen just by popping into the microwave. The flavor is a lightly salted tonkotsu (pork broth). What is unusual is the addition of a plum (you don't find that much in any ramen). The noodles are nice and thick and the ramen includes char-shiu, naruto, and some other veggies.


Bon Appetit!


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