Friday, December 25, 2009

Soba Shop [Yabu Chu] / そば処「やぶ忠」

I know I need to re-label my posts for "Ramen Shop" so includes soba and udon as well but I will do that at another time. And as promised from my last post, this is where we ate lunch when we were in Shibamata. The name of the soba shop is [Yabu-Chu]. I just love these buildings that are so Showa.

「Ramen Shop」とゆうレベルはいずれ変わらないと駄目ですね。ちゃんと「ラーメン・そば・うどん」とゆうレベルにするべきですね。それはおいといて。前のネタに書きましたが、柴又で昼食を食べた店はこちらです。そば処「やぶ忠」。やっぱりビルが昭和の感じが良いですね。

Mikako had already decided to order the seiro soba with tempura. As we were seated at a table, I couldn't help but notice what the customers sitting a couple of tables away from us were eating. It looked really delicious. When the waitress came to take our order, I asked what the gentlemen over at the other table were eating and was told it was part of the yoizen set. The set features goose, soba miso, sashimi konnyaku, and seiro soba as well.

美香子はせいろそばと天ぷらセット注文した。テブルに案内したあと、隣の隣席とお客さんが食べてる物を気になってた。凄く美味しいそうに見えた。店員が注文を取る時に聞いてみた。答えは「宵膳セット」でした。 このセットに付くのは鴨焼き、そば味噌、刺身こんにゃくとせいろそば。決まりですね。

This is the first part of the yoizen set. You grill the goose meat along with the onions and green peppers. To the right is the sashimi konnyaku (which is also called devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam - I admit I found this out by looking it up on the net), and to the bottom left is the soba miso. I usually despise konnyaku but when you add the soba miso to the konnyaku I hate to say it, but it was quite delicious - and it's healthy as well.


Next comes the seiro soba. I've eaten my fill of seiro and zaru soba but I found the seiro at this shop to be one of the best I've tried so far. The soba is handmade at the store and has a springy texture to it, not chewy like some other places. In case you're wondering, the broth for the soba is underneath the plate filled with onions and wasabi which you add or not to your desire. When you're done eating the soba, the staff will bring to your table soba-yu which you add to the leftover broth to dilute its salty content and drink it as an after meal tea. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Mikako's meal as she was already eaten half of it before I gave any thought to it.


Bon Appetit!


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