Sunday, February 22, 2009

32nd Annual Umegaoka Plum Festival / 第32回梅ヶ丘梅祭り

Today, being sunny and also being our day off, we decided to walk to Hanegi Park in Umegaoka for their annual plum festival. The festival will continue until March 1. This year, we decided to eat lunch at home before heading to the park so we wouldn't be tempted by the various food stalls. As we neared Umegaoka station, we found that a flea market was in full swing as well. Before heading to the park, we decided to check things out at the flea market and also the various programs being held in front of the station. We checked out a dance group, a marching band, and a few yosakoi groups (traditional dance originated in Kochi Prefecture).


The following pictures are not of plums but they still look beautiful and picturesque.


1 comment:

Janet Brown said...

Ernie, every one of these pictures is a poem! Thank you.