Monday, December 29, 2008

A Walk around Minato Mirai (Part 1) / みなとみらいの散歩 (パート1)

Last weekend we ventured a little outside of Tokyo to a place called Minato Mirai - located not too far from Yokohama's Chinatown. Today's main event for heading out there was to check out our friend's free Christmas tap dance show that was being held in a building called the World Porters (it's like a Macy's) at 2pm and 4pm. As we arrived a little early, we took a little walk around the area.


Art object at Queen's Square / クインズ・スクアーのアートオブジェ

Landmark Tower / ランドマークタワー

A bit of America - the Hard Rock Care and Bugs Bunny and Pals

アメリカ? ハード・ロックカフェとバグズバニーと仲間たち

Our friend is pictured second from the left / 友達は左から二番目の人

As I only have permission from my friend to post her picture, I will need to edit the short video footage I shot. Sorry.


Tap dancing Santa / タップするサンタさん

We only watched the 2pm performance. Afterwards, we walked some more and headed towards the Red Brick Warehouse area for a bite to eat.


The Landmark Tower / ランドマークタワー

Navios Yokohama (I have no idea what kind of building it is but the design was interesting)

Red Brick Warehouse / 赤レンガ倉庫

We had a late lunch at a place called Tachibanatei in the Red Brick Warehouse.


Hayashi Rice / ハヤシライス

Curry rice with pork cutlet / カツカレー

We continued with our walk (and I continued with my picture taking) as it was getting dark, but I will save the pics for the next post.


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