Thursday, October 16, 2008

Festival Season Ain't Over / 祭りの時期が終わってない

A friend of mine sent me mail saying there was a festival in Nakano (a couple of stations away from Shinjuku). A co-worker mentioned that there was a wine festival in my neighborhood that would be giving away free samples of wine. But, not wanting to head out to Nakano and not too particular about wine, Mikako and I decided we would spend the weekend watching movies at home. I had to return a few movies anyway, so we headed to our usual rental DVD shop (located in the Carrot Tower). But as we were heading there, Mikako notice that one of the roads was closed off. We thought, could it be? So, we changed direction and headed towards the street that was closed off. And what should we find? Another shrine and market street festival in progress. There were food booths and game stalls from the Hachiman Shrine (in Taishido) all the way to Chazawa Street in Sangenjaya.

先週友達からメールが来て、中野祭りが開催するって。それに、会社の同僚がうちの近くの三軒茶屋に「すずらん通り酒ワイン祭り」があるのを教えてくれた。ワインが無料で味わえるがポイント。でも、中野まで行くのも面倒くさいし、うちはワインもあんまり飲まないので、DVDを借りて、家でゆっきりする事を決めてた。まだ返却するDVDもあって、三軒茶屋のキャロットタワーに出かけた。でも途中で、美香子が道が通行止めになってるの気づいて、二人で、「もしかして」と思いながら、行ってみたら、また近所にあるお寺と商店街が祭りの最中でした! 太子堂にある八幡神社からずーと茶沢通りまで、屋台がずらりとならんでました。

So we called our friends Nori and Mari who said they would join us shortly. We still had a little time on our hands so we decided to head on to Carrot Tower to return some DVDs. In the courtyard of Carrot Tower, there were portable shrines waiting to be taken up by the festival goers. As they were at rest, I had a chance to take pictures of them up close.


Mikako and I head back to the Hachiman Shrine and were going to wait for Nori, Mari, and Shoei to show up before eating anything, but we didn't have lunch yet and we were hungry, so we started without them. Our first bite of food was once again, the Turkish doner kebab (which is becoming a Japanese festival staple with the yakisoba and takoyaki).


Turkish Doner Kebab / トルコ料理のドネルケバブ

Some ramune soda to wash down our meal. I know it looks really bad for your health, but I assure you it tastes really good.


And I only thought it proper to take a picture of Hachiman Shrine and a short video clip of the festival.


Hachiman Shrine Autumn Festival / 八幡神社秋祭り

Our friends showed up, so it was time to eat. Which means its time to feature the different foods we had.


Yakitori Platter / 焼き鳥の盛り合わせ

Okonomiyaki (Japanese-style pancake) / お好み焼き

Buttered Potatoes / じゃがバター

Shahpin (I think? Its like a flattened gyoza) / シャーピン(と思う、潰した餃子みたな感じ

Chijimi (Korean-style Pancake) / チヂミ

Takoyaki (Octopus-balls) / たこ焼き

And some food items that were available but we did not eat.

他に売られてた食べ物 (食べてなかったけど)

Salted Sweetfish or Japanese River Trout / 塩焼きの鮎

Tornado Pototoes (all one cut) / トウネードポテト

Oban-yaki (My brother loves these!) / 大判焼

This being a festival, Shoei once again tries his hand at scooping for goldfish.


And also gets his first taste of cotton candy.


And a shot of Shoei's father

Shoei turns into Ultraman / ショー君がウルトラマンに変身

And then we were joined by a couple of more friends.

Its Rino-chan / 梨乃ちゃん参上

And after eating our fill and drinking a few beers, we even won a few prizes at one of the game booths. Check out this air gun I won by throwing darts.

Mikako and I still had some shopping to do and we just happened to be passing the event area for the Suzuran Street Sake and Wine Festival so I indulged myself in having a free cup of sake. It was awful!!


It doesn't even look delicious does it?  まずそうに見えるでしょう?
And so ends another festival.

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