Friday, September 26, 2008

Everyday is an Adventure / 毎日が冒険

I finished another book that's written entirely in Japanese without any furigana. I once again challenged myself to read my current favorite Japanese author, Ayumu Takahashi. This book is his story of graduating from a high school without having any dreams and not knowing what he wants to do with his life to his success as a bar owner, company president, author, and publisher. It's a success story about starting with nothing and having no experience to becoming his own company's president at the age of 24.


I laughed when I read about his first dream. He was watching television with his brother when an ad for Marlboro cigarettes came on. Then it hit him. He decides to go to Texas to become a cowboy. I thought this is like an American watching a Kurosawa movie suddenly thinks to himself, "That's it!, I will go to Japan to become a samurai!". Of course, once Takahashi finds himself in Texas and finds a person willing to teach him, his dream is shattered by the reality of it all. He turns tail and heads back to Japan.


But from that humble beginning, a friend of his talks him into taking part in a philosophy seminar that apparently teaches one that success is giving it more than your best. It's also about being persistent and never giving up. And also to make his parents happy, he decides to go to college (still not knowing what he wants to do with his life). Having so much time on his hand, he goes to his local video rental store because he wanted to watch Tom Cruise in "Top Gun", but since the store was out of that title, he rents "Cocktail". Watching that, he has his next epiphany - "That's it. I will be a bartender and open my own bar". And so, he starts to work part-time at a bar, reads up on opening a small business, and saves as much money as he can. His had a three year plan. But when he talks to his friends, they all decide to chip in and Takahashi and four of his friends open their own bar "Rockwell's". This when Takahashi is only 21years old.


But, not being satisfied with having just one bar, he talks and helps his younger brother open [Rockwell's II]. Gaining more business experience, instead of just opening another bar, he sets up his own company and names it Sanctuary. Takahashi is now the president of his own company - and he's only 24yrs old. He goes on to open two more bars and their profits continue to rise. He takes a trip to India to meet Sai Baba. But Takahashi gets bored and wants a new challenge. So he quits his job as company president (although he continues to have his name listed), and gets into the publishing business. Once again starting from scratch. From writing a book, setting up a publishing company, publishing the book, choosing the print and papers, coming up with a title, and getting it into stores, and to hope it becomes a bestseller. His first book, and first book for Sanctuary publishing is [Heaven's Door]. I will probably read that next.

彼は一店舗で満足が出来なかった。弟を手伝って、「Rockwell's」二号店をオペン。店だけを開店するのは難しいから、その後、高橋氏が自分の会社「Sanctuary」を成立し、社長になり、あっと言う間に。4店舗まで経営した。彼はまだ24歳。会社も店の売上も順調だったし、最初に居店舗目で一緒にオペンした友達とインドに旅立つ、目的はサイババに会うため。戻った高橋氏がまた新たな挑戦をしたいと友達に行って、自分が作った会社を辞めて、別の事をゼロからやるのを決心しました。それが本を書いて、作った会社に出版事業部を成立し、自分の自伝を作ることにした。本の世界をまったく分からない高橋氏が自らプリントやら、紙を決め、自分でも営業でいろんな本屋にいったりして。やっと出来上がった本の「Heaven's Door」を完成した。

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