Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Walk around Toranomon (Part 1) / 虎ノ門の散歩 (パート1)

Recently I had to go to the Immigration Department because I noticed that my multiple-entry stamp was going to expire in a couple of months.  Although I became a permanent resident of Japan last year and no longer have to worry about renewing my visa, the entry stamp is a separate entity.  However, when I went to renew my multiple-entry stamp, I discovered that my passport itself would expire a month earlier than the entry stamp which means I would also need to make a short trip to the U.S. embassy to renew my passport and the embassy is located in Toranomon.  I'm going to skip the details of my passport renewal, as you can also renew by mail, but since I found myself in Toranomon, I decided to walk around the neighborhood, away from the U.S. embassy which you are forbidden to take pictures or videos of anyway.


I like the Showa atmosphere of some of the areas I walked around.


I also discovered a store that I know a friend of mine would love to browse at.  As to purchasing items in said stop, that would be another story.  My friend loves Japanese swords and he bought a replica of one in Asakusa when he came to visit so many years ago.  But this particular store sells genuine Japanese swords.  In fact, the name of the store is [Japan Sword].  They are quite pricey but beautiful. Pictures weren't allowed inside the store but I must have browsed for a good 30 minutes.  I did take a nice picture of the yoroi that was on display from outside the building.


For those of you want a little more detail on "Japan Sword"

But, do you know what's really great about walking without any specific plans.  It's coming across funky things that you think might make a good picture like this frog and santa I discovered in front of a restaurant.


But what I really love discovering on my walks are the various temples and shrines found throughout the city. There was a sign in front of this particular temple called the Saru-dera Eikan-in which said it is where Genpaku Sugita tombstone is.  Genpaku Sugita?  I had to look him up on the net.  According to Wikipedia, Genpaku Sugita (b.Oct 20, 1773 - June 1, 1817) was a Japanese scholar who was known for his translation of "Kaitai Shinsho" - the "New Book of Anatomy" from the Dutch.  Hmm, interesting!

でもやっぱり僕の楽しみはまだ行ってない神社やお寺を発見することですね。最初に訪れたのは猿寺 栄閑院(さるでら えいかんいん)。前に書かれたサインが気になってました。 都史跡 杉田玄白墓。 杉田玄白? 誰だ? 帰ったら早速ネットで調べました。ウィキペディアによりますと、杉田玄白9月13日(1773年10月20日)~文化14年(1817年6月1日)、は江戸時代の蘭学医でオランダの解体書を翻訳された人物。

Entrance to Eikan-in / 栄閑院の入り口

This path leads to Genpaku Sugita's tombstone.


Genpaku Sugita's Tombstone / 杉田玄白の墓

Eikan-in Mizuko Jizo-son / 栄閑院水子地蔵尊

What I found particularly interesting about this statue were the children pulling at the robes of the monk.


And for my Japanese readers who want more information about this historical site:

To be continued...


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