Wednesday, September 16, 2009

US Vacation 2009 (Part 2) / 里帰り 2009年 (パート2)

Okay, I know I said we were going to head up to Seattle on my last post, but that wasn't until Day 3. Today, we were celebrating my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary with a barbecue at home. It was time to hang out with my friends in the States - some I haven't seen in over 20 years! As some my friends


Grill Master Tyrone at work / グリル・マスター タイローン

And here is what was on offer:


Red potatoes with cheese / じゃが芋のチーズのせ

Spinach-cheese casserole / ほうれん草とチーズカセロール

Homemade Inari-sushi / 手作りのいなりずし

This is was my plate / これは僕のプレート

Korean kimbob / 韓国の太巻き

How can you not have dessert at a BBQ?


This wasn't the only foods that were available. There were burgers and chicken skewers. And when those were gone, someone had made some kimchee fried rice. There was a load of ribs (which I managed to nibble on). There were two rum cakes which I missed out on. There was baked beans and kebobs.


Keeping warm as the sun goes down.


Our vacation continues...


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