I've been meaning to write this post for quite a while, now seems like a good time as any. If you're an American and have been to a Japanese restaurant stateside, you may find yakitori on the menu and what you would most likely be served a skewer of chicken breasts and green onions in an alternating order. What you are served Stateside is called negima While this is yakitori, it is only one type of yakitori. So I'm going to take this opportunity to fill you in on some of the other types of yakitori. Oh, by the way, the Yakitori Club is a chain restaurant. I just happen to like the atmosphere of the Setagaya branch.
First a little dish of chicken with daikon.
Negima (Chicken breasts with onions) / ねぎま
Kawa (chicken skin) / 皮
Aspara Maki (Asparagus wrapped with bacon) / アスパラベーコン巻
Teba-saki (Chicken Wings with sauce) / 手羽先 たれ味
Teba Saki (Salt flavored chicken wings) / 手羽先 塩味
Ume Shiso (Chicken wrapped beefsteak plant dipped in plum sauce) / 梅しそ
Grilled onions and shiitake mushrooms / ながねぎと椎茸
Roast garlic with a side of miso / 焼きにんにく
Yaki-onigiri (Fried Rice balls) / 焼きおにぎり
このネタ結構前に書こうと考えてた。やっと書くことにした。アメリカ人ならアメリカで日本料理店で大抵メニューに焼き鳥があります。出てるくるのはだいたいねぎまですよ。 焼き鳥の一種類だよ。他にも沢山あるのに。ですから、アメリカ人の友達に別の焼き鶏も紹介しおうと思った。ちなみに、「やきとり倶楽部」はチェン店で、僕が世田谷店の雰囲気が好き。
The standard yakitori served in Stateside. You can choose your yakitori with tare (sauce) or salt.
This is my favorite yakitori dish.
For those of you who think that's just too much meat, you will find other meatless items on the menu. We ordered them as well. We also ordered some yaki-onigiri (grilled rice-balls), chicken-filled miso, and to end our meal, we ordered chazuke (another rice dish)
Oh, now I made myself hungry for some yakitori!! Bon Appetit!
あ~あ、焼き鳥食べたくなった!! いただきます!
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