Monday, August 14, 2017

Marumiya Office and the Kabukiza in Ginza / 銀座にある丸美屋本社と歌舞伎座

What's fun about walking around Tokyo is you never know what you will come across. As we were walking around Ginza after having lunch at Kaneko Hannosuke, we passed by a large office building. It was the Ginza office for Marumiya Food Makers. Their lobby was open to the public and it looked pretty interesting from the outside so we decided to take a closer look.


On display were some of the goods you can get with their products such as anime stickers or character trains.


More anime goods.


Of course their is a display of their products.


These are just some of their products they produce.


Their top selling item and one of my favorite products as well - noritama furikake (egg and seaweed rice topping).


Mabodofu / 麻婆豆腐

Not too far from the Ginza Marumiya Food Products office was the renovated Kabukiza - the Kabuki Theater! It would be our next stop.


Kabukiza / 歌舞伎座

Could that be the famous onna-gata kabuki actor Ernesteenosuke?


And is that Ernesteen's older brother Ernnosuke?


Kabuki Dolls / 歌舞伎人形

We also enjoyed a walk around the rooftop garden.


The Goemon Stairs at Kabukiza / 歌舞伎座の五右衛門階段

My wife on the Goemon Stairs / 五右衛門階段に立つ妻

Stained Glass illustrating [The Battle of Coxinga].


Kabukiza entrance / 歌舞伎座の入口

Did you know there was a Kabuki Shrine as well. It is located outside of the building.
It's called the Kabuki Inari Daimyojin.


My wife and I decided to buy new seal notebooks here as well.


Kabuki Inari Jinja Seal / 歌舞伎稲荷神社の御朱印

And that was the end of this adventure.


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