Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jack Black's Blood Red Cola & Cafe Azteca Espresso Cola

Another light post featuring some funky drinks I found on sale at a novelty store called the Village Vanguard (just think Spencer's).  Sometimes the shop carries Curiosity Cola as well or you might find Inca Cola as well.  Today, I decided to treat myself to Jack Black's Blood Red Cola and Taylor's Tonics Cafe Azteca Espresso Cola.


Apparently made from a company called Real Soda.  I don't recall seeing this printed on the bottle but this seems to be one of its selling points: "From Black's last raid...second time available in 399 years". Contains guarana and capsicum, so its a cola with a kick.


Espresso Cola???  Coffee Cola?  Hm, not being a big fan of coffee or espresso I wasn't sure how this was going to taste.  But ya know, I think I liked it a little better than the blood red cola.

エスプレッソコーラー??? コーヒーコーラー?  コーヒーあんまり飲まない僕がこれはどうかなと思い、飲んでみたら、ブラッド・レッド・コーラーのほうよりこれが好きだったかも。

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