The sign on the building reads "Asano Shinbun" - newspaper building.
The first Japanese "light car" - Subaru 360 / 軽自動車 スバル360
Datsun Truck / ダットサントラック G222型
The following pics are Showa era appliances.
14 inch Toshiba Black & White Television / 白黒テレビ 東芝 14KD
Hitachi Electric Washing Machine / 日立の洗濯機
Toshiba Refrigerator / 東芝冷蔵庫
I read about this in a history book, balloons that carried bombs across the Pacific during World War II.
Showa era home / 昭和時代の家
This living room was made in a western style.
1-yen Taxi (1931 Ford Model A 4-door sedan / 円タクシー 1931(昭和16)フォードA型4-ドアセダン
Model of the "Ryounkaku" / 昔浅草にあった凌雲閣。
Explanation on sign: [The "Ryounkaku" a tower also known as the "Twelve Stories" was designed by British engineer William K. Barton and completed in 1890. It functioned as a symbol of Asakusa and appeared on many souvenir pictures. This tower was highly popular until it collapsed in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923.
The Ryounkaku was approximately in sixty meters in height. Up to the tenth floor it was made of bricks, in an octagonal shape; the eleventh and twelth floors were made of wood. Visitors could relax at a lounge or purchase imported products at shops inside the tower. The eleventh and twelfth floors were equipped with telescopes for peering into and over the city. The Ryounkaku boasted Japan's first elevator leading to the eight floor. For safety reasons however, the operation of the elevator was eventually halted. At the time of opening, admission fees were 8 sen for adults and 4 sen for soldiers and children.
This replica is based on photographs and woodblock prints from the period.]
Old telephone box / 自動電話
No, I am not using the phone but when you pick it up, you get to hear a short history of the phone box.
1 comment:
I'm back, so I can spam you with comments again.
I live within walking distance* of this museum, but I've never been there. Shameful admission, but at least I can now visit it via your blog. :)
* Nomad's definition: anything within an hour's walk is "nearby".
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