Sunday, July 29, 2012
Kirin Ice + Beer / キリンアイスプラスビール
Tokyo summers are hot and humid, so why not cool off with something new that Kirin beer has released - Ice + Beer. On the can, it actually says ale to drink with ice! Ice in a glass of beer? Almost unheard of. Why do I say almost. There was once instance in which I gave in to my impulse because I couldn't stand the taste of warm Beer Lao! Yes, it was in Laos where I first drank a glass a beer with ice (and it was worth it!). So, did I drink this beer with ice as it says. Well, there are directions on the back of this can that tells you how you're supposed to drink it. To humor Kirin, I followed directions!
東京の夏は暑くて湿気も多い。そんな時、キリンが出した新しビール飲んでみてはいかがでしょう。商品名は「Ice + Beer」 アイスプラスビール。缶にも書かれてますが、“氷で飲むエールビール”。ビールに氷?まさか!ほぼあり得ないでしょう。なぜ私が“ほぼ”と言ったことに理由がある。実は一回だけ自分が飲んでたビールに氷を入れたことがあるからです。でも本当に必要だった。温いビールラオは最悪!ビールラオ?そう、僕が旅行でラオスに行ったことがあって、仲良くになった現地の人たちと飲みに行って、ビールが温すぎて、氷を出してくれたんですよ。東南アジアの水は心配でしたが、やっぱりビールは冷えて飲むものだ。でも、ここは日本。本当このビールは氷で飲むの?缶の後ろ側に飲みの説明が4個漫画で描かれてるので、そのままにしました。
As my Japanese friends will need to translation, let me just translate the comic in English.
① Chill your beer with ice
② Sexy woman says, "Cool!"
③ Drink beer while sexy woman murmurs, "this scent"
④ Sexy womans says, "It's ale isn't it"
The taste? Actually pretty good. You really don't need to add the ice if it's been chilled in the fridge though.
味? 美味しいですよ。でも冷蔵庫で冷えたら、氷は必要ありませんよ。
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Pepsi Salty Watermelon / ペプシ 塩スイカ
Hey, it's summer and it looks like Pepsi was due to put out a new limited edition flavor. This time around - salty watermelon. It sounds really awful but a few years ago I had tried a watermelon flavored ramune which wasn't so bad. Also, during my elementary years, my mother would serve watermelon to us kids in the summer and we would top it with salt (I thought it was a natural thing until a lot of my friends said "that's weird"). Then again, I always thought it was weird that my father would top his tomatoes with sugar (but that's another story). Anyway, like the ramune, the salty watermelon flavored pepsi isn't bad. I would say it's good either and I probably won't be buying it again.
夏だ!今年もペプシが限定の味出しました!今回は塩スイカ! ペプシと絶対合わないのいう人んもいるでしょうが、昔ラムネもスイカ味を出した。飲んだらそんなに悪くはなかった。だからこれもいけそうじゃない。子供のころもうちでスイカに塩もかけた記録もあるな。あれは普通と思いましたが、アメリカの友達何人がそれは変と言われた覚えもある。僕が思う変はトマトの砂糖をかけること(僕のお父さんがそういう人!)。 ま、一口飲んでみたらやっぱり予想通り、悪くはないが超美味しいとも言えない。ブログネタには面白いけど多分二度と買いませんね。やっぱりスイカは普通に食べたいね。
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Rigoletto Rotisserie & Wine / リゴレット ロティサリー アンド ワイン
Having lunch at Solamachi. I decided to have a pasta lunch at a place called Rigoletto Rotisserie & Wine. I ordered the quattro pomodori arrabbiata. The set is served with soup and salad.
ソラマチで昼食。選んだ店はイタリアン・スパニッシュの「リゴレット ロティサリー」。注文したのは4類のトマトのアラビアータ。セットはスープとサラダ付。
Bon Appetit!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
A Walk around Solamachi and the Tokyo Sky Tree (Part 2) / ソラマチと東京スカイツリー周辺の散歩 (パート2)
I'm still at Tonya Kokubu where I came upon this interesting display of how sake is made.
Washing the rice
Steaming process
Adding yeast mash
Voila! Sake!!
Wouldn't you just love this display in your own home?
100 different kinds of karinto (popular Japanese snack)
I think I must have spent an easy hour just looking at the products in this store.
Look! It's the Sky Tree (made out of Lego blocks!)
見て! 東京スカイツリーだ (レゴブロックで作られたもの)
The Lego Sky Tree was made at a scale of 1: 300 and used approximately 15,000 Lego blocks.
Very cool! / かっこいいね!
Kimono clad lady selling limited edition Sky Tree goods.
Near the base of the Sky Tree / スカイツリーの下
Oh yeah, I mentioned there was one particular store I wanted to go to. It's located on the sixth floor of one of the buildings and is called...."The World Beer Museum". It's not really a museum but a beer hall. But they do have one corner that sells beers from around the world as well as many different Japanese craft beers.
そうだ、僕がある店が本当の目的と言いましたね。それはソラマチの6階にある店です。店名は「ワールド・ビール・ミュージアム」! 博物館というより、ただのビールホールですけどね。でも売店に世界中のビールを売ってます。もちろん日本地ビールも何種類もあります。
Beer Pyramid / ビールピラミッド
You can actually purchase this beer pyramid for the small sum of \634,000!! No, that is not a typo and would cost you about $65,000USD!! It's a 634 bottle set. Twice a month, the company will send you different beers for an entire year. It rounds out to \1000 (or $12.00USD) a bottle.
Of course I took the time to check out the Tokyo Sky Tree as well.
What? Me not go home without buying Tokyo Sky Tree beer?
I also couldn't help myself at the next shop I went to either, it was the Studio Ghibli shop. I just love Totoro!
Mei! / めいが可愛いね
Huge cat bus / でっかいねこバス
I think I would prefer this over a cuckoo clock.
Cat Bus looking out the window / ねこバスが外を眺めてる
I think I will probably go up the Sky Tree when my friend comes to visit Japan in September. The reservation system will be gone by then. Actually, the reservation system ended today!
Washing the rice
Steaming process
Adding yeast mash
Voila! Sake!!
Wouldn't you just love this display in your own home?
100 different kinds of karinto (popular Japanese snack)
I think I must have spent an easy hour just looking at the products in this store.
Look! It's the Sky Tree (made out of Lego blocks!)
見て! 東京スカイツリーだ (レゴブロックで作られたもの)
The Lego Sky Tree was made at a scale of 1: 300 and used approximately 15,000 Lego blocks.
Very cool! / かっこいいね!
Kimono clad lady selling limited edition Sky Tree goods.
Near the base of the Sky Tree / スカイツリーの下
Oh yeah, I mentioned there was one particular store I wanted to go to. It's located on the sixth floor of one of the buildings and is called...."The World Beer Museum". It's not really a museum but a beer hall. But they do have one corner that sells beers from around the world as well as many different Japanese craft beers.
そうだ、僕がある店が本当の目的と言いましたね。それはソラマチの6階にある店です。店名は「ワールド・ビール・ミュージアム」! 博物館というより、ただのビールホールですけどね。でも売店に世界中のビールを売ってます。もちろん日本地ビールも何種類もあります。
Beer Pyramid / ビールピラミッド
You can actually purchase this beer pyramid for the small sum of \634,000!! No, that is not a typo and would cost you about $65,000USD!! It's a 634 bottle set. Twice a month, the company will send you different beers for an entire year. It rounds out to \1000 (or $12.00USD) a bottle.
Of course I took the time to check out the Tokyo Sky Tree as well.
What? Me not go home without buying Tokyo Sky Tree beer?
I also couldn't help myself at the next shop I went to either, it was the Studio Ghibli shop. I just love Totoro!
Mei! / めいが可愛いね
Huge cat bus / でっかいねこバス
I think I would prefer this over a cuckoo clock.
Cat Bus looking out the window / ねこバスが外を眺めてる
I think I will probably go up the Sky Tree when my friend comes to visit Japan in September. The reservation system will be gone by then. Actually, the reservation system ended today!
A Walk around Solamachi and the Tokyo Sky Tree (Part 1) / ソラマチと東京スカイツリー周辺の散歩 (パート1)
Yup, its a mighty tall tower, but as I said, I'm not going to be going up it today. I will be walking around it.
Americans wouldn't be surprised by a specialty popcorn shop, but its a pretty new thing for Japan (I think). Of course there are flavor combinations you won't find in the States such as soy sauce / butter or green tea, consomme, and curry as well. But there are some standards like cheese and garlic. Spicy peppers as well.
Kabuki goods store? Japanese art? No, these are cookies!! Of course these are display models but this entire store sells cookies with frosting art!
歌舞伎グッズ? 日本のアート? 違います! これはクッキーです!そうなの、この店はクッキーの専門店。上のものはディスプレイのものですが、クッキーにアイシングアートが乗ってるクッキーの専門店。面白かった。
A very popular sweets shop as you can tell by all the celebrities who have sent flowers for the opening. I'm not going to bother with names, since most of my American readers wouldn't know who they are anyway.
Okay, this was sent by Nanase Aikawa, one of my favorite Japanese artists.
This was an interesting shop. [Tonya Kokubu]. It was originally a soy sauce maker. But the business expanded and sold and distributed all sorts of products we now take for granted - Calpis, Yebisu Beer, Ajinomoto, Mitsuya Cider, Kirin Beer, etc. This shop is more like a museum then a shop.
この店は面白かった。「問屋国分」。創業は300年前、最初は醤油を使った店でしたが、会社が成長して、日本の食文化を支えてる会社になった。私たちが食べてる、飲んでるものも国分が関わってますよ。カルピス、キリンビール、あじのもと等。 この店は博物館な感じもします。展示されてるものが面白い。
The first bottles of Calpis came in this bottle.
Calpis is quite an old product - interesting. I remember enjoying this during my childhood when I lived in Japan on an Air Force Base.
Ajinomoto (did you notice the kanji is read from left to right?) / 味の素 (気付きましたか、感じは左から読むんだよ)
Even more products supplied by Kokubu.
Which I still drink from time to time / 今でもたまに飲む
Delicious to eat with white rice, its seaweed.
The taste of this hasn't changed in 60 years. It's ochazuke.
Ha, so I'm 2 years older than Oronamin C!
And this yogurt drink is older than my mother!
An original bottle of Yebisu beer / 発売当時のエビスビール
Kirin Lager
That's a lot of different miso! / 味噌もこんなに種類あるんだね!
Different soy sauces / 醤油いろいろ
I'm going to stop here for now, but my walk shall continue...
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