Monday, December 5, 2011

National Stadium / 国立競技場

A friend of mine was taking part in some charity run at the National Stadium and invited me to come check it out.  I was supposed to meet him around noon but found myself walking all over the place not finding where I was supposed to go.  How was I to know that the Yoyogi National Stadium and the National Stadium were two separate entities.  I spent so much time walking around the Yoyogi National Stadium I was about to call my friend and say, "Nevermind, I'm going home".  But I eventually made it to the correct place and it was nearly 2:00pm in the afternoon.  I caught the last 15 minutes of some talk show featuring a couple of celebrities and did manage to get a chance to check out the National Stadium itself.  Below are the various views of the National Stadium.


But you know what's great about these events?  The food booths! 

でもこういうイベントの一番の楽しみ知ってる? 食べ物の屋台でしょう!

Rotisserie Chicken Booth / ロティサリーチキンの屋台

Fish and Chips Booth / フィッシュ・アンド・チップス

Television talent - Kunihiro Matsumura / タレントの松村邦洋

Okay, so there were only about three different food booths.  A little disappointing for a food fan.  The theme of the food court was "The Road to London".  I think that was the theme of the running event too.


My friend who ran and his daughter / 走った友達の娘

I think I need to take a more leisurely walk around this area in the near future.


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