Well, I wasn't familiar with guarana, but the can looked cute with its picture of the polar on it. Someone said they were surprised Hokkaido had such a drink as guarana is native to Brazil. But as it says on the can, "It is sweet and tasty" and it was.
自分はガラナはなんだか分からなかったけど、缶に描いてる北極熊が可愛いからつい買っちゃいました。あと日本人的で“限定”という言葉に弱い。誰か北海道にガラナの飲み物あるのが珍しいと言ってた、ガラナの原産地はブラジルですから。ま、缶に書いてる「It is sweet and tasty」(訳して“甘くて美味しい)で、その通りでした。
Okay, my sister and I couldn't resist not trying this. For one thing, the cola is blue. Also one of the main ingredients is salt! Salt? Yep, that's what it says - salt from a place called Sohya. That would Sohya Salt (not soy sauce, oops, sorry for the American joke!). And this being a product of Hokkaido, the label has a picture of the Ezo Brown Bear, with a warning label that says "Beware of Bear" as well. It wasn't as salty as I thought it might be, in fact it didn't taste too different from a regular cola. It was pretty good.
I don't know if this only sold in Hokkaido but I had to try it just because of the name. How can you not try something with the name Dracula on it?
I suppose my American readers would wonder what lamune is. In its most easiest description, it would be similar to Sprite or 7-Up. But there's that word Sour on the can as well, and below that "chu-hi". Yes, this drink includes alcohol. Chu-hi would be Shochu mixed with lemon, lime, or in this case, lamune. This is probably available elsewhere as well, since I bought it in Aomori after participating in the Nebuta Festival.
As you can see, this is a product of Sapporo Beer. Its just a regular draft beer, but you can only find this in the Tohoku Region as it depicts seven different festivals that are held throughout the summer. For you trivia buffs, the Big 3 are the Nebuta Festival of Aomori, the Kantou Festival of Akita, and the Tanabata Festival of Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture.
缶を見れば分かる、これは札幌ビールの製品です。普通の生ビールですけど、缶は東北限定です。缶に描いてるのは東北の夏祭り。もちろん東北三大祭りと言えば。。。言える?答えは「青森のねぶた祭」、「秋田の竿灯まつり」と「仙台の七夕まつり」。でも何で竿灯と七夕まつり、「まつり」はひらがなでねぶの「まつり」は漢字で書く? 謎だね。
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