Friday, December 18, 2009

A Walk around Gakugei Dai / 学芸大の散歩

When we went walking around Musashi Koyama, we took the bus to get there. Our route passes through Gakugei Dai which is a University neighborhood. It looked like it might be an interesting place for one of our walks so we went to explore.


The first place we always like to explore is the market street near the station. Unfortunately, aside from the market street, there was nothing of interest around here. We were about to head home when I saw a sign for a nearby park. Since I didn't want our walk to be a total waste, I suggested checking it out. The name of the place was called Himonya Park.


As you can see, there was a lake, a little fountain, and a tiny shrine. What you cannot see from this picture is that this lake is full of turtles and ducks.


Turtles on turtles!


And ducks.


Utsukushima Shrine / 厳島神社

Before you think there some phallic symbol within the rock, take a closer look at the picture below.


This was located near the shrine as well. Not sure what its purpose is. And with this, our walk was at an end.


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