Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where Not to Eat Japanese Food in San Francisco / サンフランシスコ空港で日本食のまずい店

Usually I have lot of praise for the places I eat, but not this time. This post is about where not to eat Japanese food if you're in transit and find yourself at San Francisco's International Airport. Last October, my sister got married in Vegas and our flight made a short stop in San Francisco. On our way to Vegas, there was this great soup restaurant in the departure lounge - The San Francisco Soup Company. On our return, we were hoping to eat there again. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be. So we decided to eat at this place - Tomokazu. I really wasn't that hungry and only ordered what the menu said was tebasaki (chicken wings). I was looking forward to the tebasaki I would expect of a Japanese restaurant. Instead, what you are serve is more like a teriyaki flavored chicken wings. It wasn't bad per se but it wasn't what I was having a craving for. In the near future, I will do a post of real yakitori restaurant. As to what Mikako ordered. She ordered the tempura soba - she said it was the worst things she's eaten since our trip to Vegas. The vegetable tempura weren't cut to bite size pieces and was just covered with batter that fell off as soon as she tried to pick up a piece. She says no Japanese would consider this tempura! Well, what do you expect from a Japanese restaurant that's only Japanese in name. The owner is Chinese and I believe the people working there were also Chinese or Korean.

僕が外食すると、ほととんど満足しますが、今回は違う!サンフランシスコ国際空港に行ったら、さけたほうが良い店を教えてあげる。去年妹がベガスで結婚式を挙げたので、直行便がないので、サンフランシスコ経由で、凄い良い店があった‐「サンフランシスコ・スープ・カンパニー」。日本帰る時にまだ行けると思ったが、残念なことに、場所が違うので、行ったのはこの偽日本食の店。なんで「友数」やねん?オーナーも中国人らしい。従業員も日本人一人もいないし。僕はそんなに腹減ってなかったので、おつまみ程度で手羽先を頼んだ。でも出てきたのは、自分が思った様な手羽先ではないな。照り焼き風のチキンウィングやね。今度焼き鳥の店のネタ書きますよ。さて美香子が注文したのは天ぷらそば。美香子の感想? 野菜のぶつ切りに衣を乗せた感じ。お箸でつかむと衣だけがとれてきて、普通のでっかい人参が残るだけ。美香子いわく「いままでの人生で一番まずいと思った!」 可哀そうな美香子。

Tomokazu's Tebasaki / 友数の手羽先

Tomokazu's Tempura Soba / 友数の天ぷらそば

And just to let you know what you should expect when you order tebasaki in Japan, I shall provide you with an example.


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