Friday, February 6, 2009

Trust Saloon / トラスト・サルーン

I was actually going to write about the Yakitori restaurant, but the other night, I went out for burgers and drinks with some co-workers. I was expecting the place to be a diner, but it turned out to be a small bar, a small rock bar at that - that serves some great burgers! It's located in Oimachi, one station away from Shinagawa (close to my work-place). I invited Mikako along as well (my co-workers were looking forward to meeting). However, Mikako and I are really bad with directions and the map I had was no help, and what should have been a short jaunt from the train station turned into a 30 minute walk-about. I finally called one of my co-workers to get better directions. We finally made it! But I wasn't here for the booze (that was just icing on the cake and I ordered a Chimay Red) but for this bar's handmade burger. I was also hoping to meet one of my regular blog readers (the wife of one of my co-workers, but it was not to be.)

本当は焼き鶏屋のネタを書くつもりだったが、でも、昨日は同僚と大井町にあるバーガーバーに行ってきました。同僚の「ハンバーガーの友の会」に誘われ、自分が美香子を誘われ(同僚が大歓迎と言ってくれたので)、美香子を品川駅で向かいに行きました。で、恥ずかしいことに、私たちが大の方向恩地で店を中々見つからなかった。三十分以上をかけてやっとたどり着いた。(実は同僚に電話しまたけどね。) 僕は最初その店はアメリカの50年代のダイナーと思いこんでたが、入ってみると普通のバーでした!流れてる音楽も私好みで、もしかて、大井町のロック・バー?でも、僕の目的は酒ではない。この店の手作りハンバーガーを楽しみにしてた。仕事仲間がまだ食べ物は頼んでなかったので、最初にバーガーを注文したのは私。でも、久しぶりの夜飲みなので、シメイレッドを頼んだ。あと私のブログの読者を会えると思ったが(同僚の嫁さん)、残念ながら、風邪気味で欠席。

Chimay Red - Delicious

シメイレッド ‐ 最高

Oh, but the burgers! I ordered a regular cheeseburger. I didn't bother looking at the menu as I thought it was the only burger the bar served. However, my co-workers ordered an avocado burger, a bacon burger, and a bacon egg burger. Mikako passed on the burger and ordered the keema curry which was also on the menu. The burger was awesome! Delicious! I definitely need to come back here again. Mikako and I also tried the bar's original cocktail - a "Purple Haze" and a "Deep Purple". The drink was a little too strong for Mikako so I ended up drinking both.


And now for you've all been waiting for - the food:

さて、お持ちかね - ザ・フード:

Keema Curry (Mikako's order) / キーマカレー (美香子の注文)

Homemade Cheeseburger (My order) / 手作りチーズバーガー

Avocado Burger / アボカドバーガー

Bacon Egg Burger / ベーコンエッグバーガー

Bacon Burger / ベーコンバーガー

Bon Appetit!


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