Thursday, February 12, 2009

Setagaya Boroichi / 世田谷ボロ市

Setagaya Ward is known for it's historical flea market which has a four-hundred year plus history. Its held once or twice a year and draws a huge crowd. Why its held on a weekday is beyond me but I just happened to have that particular day off and Mikako was working. So, I decided to check it out on my own.


But you all know the real reason why I like going to these things. If you answered the food - then you're probably a regular reader of my blog. Of course I checked out all the products that were for sale and even bought a few items, but you know where my heart lies - the food!


The first food item I treated myself to was something called shapin, a Chinese snack that's similar to gyoza. More like a flattened gyoza. You might remember this from the Taishido Festival I went to in the summer.


Shapin / シャーピン

And even though I can always find yakitori at any festival, or any izakaya for that matter, I thought the way this food stall grilled it's yakitori was unique.


I then came across a corner called the furusato ichi, which roughly translates to hometown. This area features the foods of different prefectures from Okinawa to Hokkaido. I found something interesting that I just had to try. I forgot what prefecture that was making this item but it was called somen pizza. Somen being a type of noodle. Pizza made from noodles?


The picture on the left looks like a regular slice of pizza. But if you flip the pizza over, you can see that the crust is made from noodles. Oh, and it was quite delicious.


I seem to have forgotten one of the most important information of this post. Setagaya Ward being a rather large ward, I forgot to mention where the flea market was being held. On the Setagaya Line, you can get off at Setagaya Station or go one station further and get off at Kamimachi - this particular flea market is huge and there are booths from one station to the next and then some!


As I was walking around, I also came across something called the Setagaya Daikan Yashiki. It's an architectural wonder that's been preserved in its original state.

歩き回ったら、「都史跡 世田谷代官屋敷」をみつかりました。

Model of what the Setagaya Boro-Ichi was like in the Edo period.


As to what did I buy. A lot of incense for Mikako. And for myself? One of those old styled pocket watches (it was only a thousand yen).


But I did learn one thing today. Going to a flea market or festival by yourself limits the amount and variety of food you can eat. Best to go with a friend or a group so you can try lots of different food items and for me, beer tastes better when drinking with friends. As I was by myself on this occasion, I skipped on indulging in any beer.


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