Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Photos from My Work Neighborhood / 職場の近くの写真

Here's a few pics of the scenery on walk by on my way to work.


The Main Gate to Shinryoji Temple / 真了寺の入口

The above temple is located next to Tenmyokokuji Temple. The temple gate and unknown tombs along with the cemetery are part of Shinagawa Ward's 100 Most Scenic Spots.


Tenmyokokuji Temple Gate / 天妙国寺の山門

Tenmyokokuji Temple / 天妙国寺

Tenmyokokuji Temple Bell / 天妙国寺の鐘

And just in case you wondering how I knew this one of the scenic spots of Shinagawa, a simple answer - there's a sign in front of the temple.


I think I will do some research to see what the 100 Scenic Spots of Setagawa Ward are.


1 comment:

Mihnea said...

I was there a few weeks ago. It's a magical place which I discovered by chance!