Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Walk around Minato Mirai (Part 3) / みなとみらいの散歩 (パート3)

It was getting dark at Minato Mirai, so I had to take more pictures for the contrast.


The Nihon Maru / 日本丸

And for the last picture, a distorted one of a bus. What's so special about it? Well, there was a crowd gathered around the road so we went to investigate. The people were waiting for the buses as they carried members of the Manchester United Football team (that would be soccor for my American readers) as they were on their way to a championship game against the team from Ecuador. I'm not a big soccer fan so I have no idea what championship or where it was played. Mikako said the team members waved, but unfortunately I only managed to take this out of focus picture.

最後の一枚はなぜかぶれたバス。特別なバスらしい。帰りに向かった時になぜか大勢の人がどこかのホテルの前で待っていた。なんだろ?で、その時、二台のバスが出てきた。フロント窓に書かれたサインは「Manchester United」。あのイギリスの超有名なサッカチームのマンチェスターユナイテッド。今夜 は何かの決勝戦。戦う相手はエクアドールのチーム。自分はサッカまった分からないので、ただ、そのバスの写真を撮っただけ。チームメンバーは手を振ってくれていたが、ぶれてしまった。

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