Thursday, January 8, 2009

End of Year Party Menu / 忘年会のメニュー

Here in Japan, the end of the year is the season for bonenkai, this translates to an end of the year party. Our office bonenkai was held the day after Christmas at a place called Watami. As it was an izakaya (Japanese style bar would be the closest translation), I didn't expect much from the food. But as it was a course meal, it actually was pretty good. And it appears that my food posts are the most popular, so today, I will share with you what we ate.


Sashimi Platter / 刺身の盛り合わせ

Caesar Salad / シーザサラダ

Motsu Nabe (stew with tripe and veggies) / (hasn't been heated yet) / もつ鍋 (まだ出来上がってない状態)

Motsu Nabe / もつ鍋

Shrimp crackers / えびせん

French Fries & Edamame / ポテトフライと枝豆

Potatoes au Gratin / グラタン

Pork, potatoes, & cabbage / 豚肉、じゃが芋、キャベツ

Chicken Wings / 手羽先

And finally, pasta added to the stew broth.


Hmm, doesn't look that delicious (and I was already full by this time anyway)



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