What you've all been waiting for me. The wedding of my sister to the man in her life - Tyrone Cardenas. And yes, I already received permission from my sister and Tyrone to post these pics. First a picture of the groom being led to the altar accompanied by my mother. Tyrone's own parents had to watch the proceedings from heaven.
おまちかね。妹の結婚式。 もちろん事前に妹とタイローンの許可をとって写真を載せてま。最初の写真は僕の義理の弟になるタイローン・カルディーナス。私のお母さんがエスコートをしてます。タイローンの両親は残念ながら、天国から見守ってます。

And now for the Bride's entrance.

The Groom and Bride / 新郎新婦

The exchanging of the rings / 指輪の交換
My sister excited about exchanging her vows / 元気良く誓いの言葉を言ってます
And the Kissing of the Bride / そして近いのキッス

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas / カルディーナス夫妻誕生

And off to drink a cocktail or two before heading off to the reception.

Goal!! / ゴール!!
The Reception - to be continued...
披露宴 ‐ つづく
Hello!!!..im so glad to see tyrone has finally gotten married!!...Hey Ty whats up its me....ramiro from Cali....
nice to see your cool!!...get in touch with me sometime stranger!!...myspace/latinsinger2008
I don't know how often Tyrone or my sister reads this so I will pass along your message to my sister's e-mail. It was a great wedding and I'm so glad to have Tyrone as my brother-in-law.
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