My sister's wedding ended without any problems. The reception was to be held in a different venue - "The Ritz of Las Vegas". Dinner was to be a buffet with an open bar. The usual activities of an American wedding would take place here as well - the removing of the garter belt, the throwing of the bouquet, and the cutting of the wedding cake, Best Man Speech, along with dancing, more drinking, and just having a grand ole time.
妹の結婚式が無事終わりまして、披露宴の為に「リッツ・オブ・ラス ベガス」の場所に移動。食事はバイキングでオーペンバー(酒の飲み放題)。この場で定番のイベントが行われる‐ガーター外し、ブーケートス、ケーキの入刀、友人のスピーチ等、楽しい時間をすごす(日本の二次会みたいな感じです)。

The Newlyweds Entrance / 新しい夫婦の入場

The reception dinner / 披露宴の食事

My choice for dinner / 自分が選んだ食べ物

The Wedding Party / ウェーディングぱーティ参加者

The Newlyweds first dance / 新婚初のダンス

Cutting of the Cake / ケーキの入刀

Sharing of the cake / お互いのケーキ食わせ

Removing of the garter / ガーター外し

Garter removed / ガーター外した

Throwing of the bouquet / ブーケートス

My crazy uncle dancing up a storm / 僕の陽気なおじさんがダンスに参加
And finally a picture of me with my newly wed sister. I must apologize for the lack of video clips at the reception as the battery of my digital camera was dying out as I had forgotten to charge it up the previous night.

Tomorrow I will be my relatives tour conductor for a day trip to the Grand Canyon so I called it a night around midnight.
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