Sunday, August 18, 2013

Asakusa Hanayashiki / 浅草花やしき

After betting on horses, it was such a nice day that we decided to go to Japan's oldest amusement park - Hanayashiki.  This amusement park has been opened since 1853.  According to their website (which is also in English), Hanayashiki was originally opened as a "flower park" when Commodore Perry arrived in Uraga with his Black Ships.

競馬をやったあと、天気も良かったし、日本で一番古い遊園地 ー 花やしきに行ってきました。今年でなんと開園160周年!

We're heading to Hanayashiki / 花やしきに向かってます

I wanted to go on that particular ride but the others didn't seem interested.  Maybe next time.


The first ride we went on was the Showa era haunted mansion-like thing.  Well, okay, all the rides at this amusement park are Showa era.


Not so scary / そんなに怖くない
A little creepy maybe / ちょっと不気味かも

 Classic, love it / 良い味出てる

Next on our agenda was to ride on the rollercoaster / 次の目的はやっぱりジェットコスターだ!
Not a steep climb as you can see / 高さ低めです
Yes, you can see the Tokyo Sky Tree from Hanayashiki / はい、もちろん花やしきから東京スカイツリーは見れる
Tokyo Sky Tree / 東京スカイツリー
This is not the Tokyo Sky Tree / これは東京スカイツリーではありません
A couple of other rides we didn't go on / 他の乗ってないアトラクション
Lastly, we fished for some crayfish / 最後にザリガニ釣り
And so ended a nice Sunday afternoon in Asakusa.

1 comment:

Rurousha said...

"This is not the Tokyo Sky Tree" made me snortle (snort + giggle). :D

I've walked past this park probably 171 002 times, but I've never gone inside. Trust Tokyo Ern to tell me more about my own neighbourhood.