Okay okay I know my blog posts are not in real time as I took this walk some time around April but I try to keep them in chronological order as best as I can. You all know I'm so far behind on writing about my latest experiences. The biggest being a change of jobs - but I don't particularly want to write about that. So, in April I was meeting a friend in Roppongi Hills but I got there early so I decided to walk around and check things out.
わかってる わかってる。ブログネタがリアルタイムじゃないこと。この散歩は4月頃で実行した。ネタはなるべく行動したタイムラインで書いてつもりなので、季節外れのネタがちょくちょく。一つの大きいな理由は仕事の転職。でもその話はあんまり書きたくない、面白くないし。でわでわ、4月に六本木ヒルズで友達と会う約束があって、ちょっと早めに着いたらその周辺を散歩しました。
The bus to Roppongi Hills lets you off at the Mori Building.
Yes, it's a giant spider - this is to be our meeting place. Scary but cool!
はい、でっかい蜘蛛です! ここが待ち合わせ場所。 不気味でもカッコいいね。
Tokyo Tower / 東京タワー
I discovered a huge rose on my walk / 散歩しながら、大きいな薔薇を発見
TV Asahi building / テレビ朝日
Walked around this peaceful little park as well / 静の公園に散歩中
Another view of the Mori Tower / 森ビル
Art object? / アートオブジェ?
The pond makes me feel calm / この池に癒される
Roppongi Hills shopping area / 六本木ヒルズショッピングアーケード
Since its such a short walk from Roppongi Hills to Roppongi I decided to wander around there as well (after meeting with my friend for lunc).
六本木は六本木ヒルズの隣だったので、六本木も久しぶりの探索 (もちろん友達と会った後)。
This was the sight of a popular Swedish restaurant (one I've been to a couple of times) and was sad to see it boarded up like this. I thought, "oh no, has this restaurant gone out of business too?" but then I read a couple of the notices on the door which mentioned that the restaurant has moved to a new location. I should go there again soon.
Roppongi Crossing / 六本木の交差点
Spider Man in Roppongi! / スパイダーマン六本木に出没!
Sakurazaka / 桜坂
Is it art? Or is it a bench? Hard to tell in Tokyo / アートなの? ベンチなの? 東京じゃわからない
Oh wait, I think this is Sakurazaka / あっ、こちが桜坂だったかも
The TV Asahi building / テレビ朝日
Hope you enjoyed the short walk around Roppongi Hills and Roppongi. Until next time!
六本木ヒルズと六本木の散歩楽しめましたか? でわ、また今度!