Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Walk around Eifukucho (Part 2) / 永福町の散歩 (パート2)

The next point of interest I discovered while walking around Eifukucho was this temple that had stone statues of all twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope.  The temple was Ryusenji.

永福町で次に発見したところが干支全部の石像があるお寺 ‐ 龍泉時。

Ryusenji (Main Temple) / 龍泉時本堂

The Bodhisattvas of the Chinese horoscope / 干支地蔵菩薩

My year - the rabbit / 僕の干支 ‐ 兎

My wife and brother's year - the rat / 嫁と兄の干支 ‐ 鼠

My sister's year - the tiger / 妹の干支 ‐ 虎

My mother's year - the cow / 母の干支 ‐ 丑

My father's year - the horse / 父の干支 ‐ 馬

Six Jizos / 六地蔵

After checking out Ryusenji, I returned to the Kanda River and walked further along its banks.


Take a closer look at the middle of this picture and you will see something interesting.


Still have a hard time seeing it?


I think he's looking for the river to return the frog.

“川は”って? 蛙を川に戻すつもりかね?

Look!  There is that bird again / あっ、あの鳥また発見

Before making my walk home, I decided to check out one more point of interest - the Eifuku Inari Jinja.


Eifuku Inari Jinja / 永福稲荷神社

Tenjin-sha (shrine to scholarly studies) / 天神社 (学問の神)

Smaller shrines at Eifuku Inari Jinja / 永福稲荷神社にある他社の神

Shiratori-sha (shrine for good fortune) / 白鳥社 (開運・招福)

Tenou-sha (shrine to good health) / 天王社 (病気平癒)

Shirayama-sha or Hakusan-sha (shrine to love and other wishes) / 白山社 (諸々結び)

And so concludes my walk around Eifukucho.


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